Privacy Policy
NSHBDA Email/Database Privacy Protocol
The NSHBDA maintains a database list of its members. This list is used to notify members of news of the Association, its members and their activities and to circulate information relevant to the profession as a whole.
Personal information supplied when joining the association will be used by NSHBDA only in connection with your NSHBDA membership and will not be disclosed to any other body, except where this is necessary to operate our system, run the service, comply with the law or protect the service of others.
The list is not to be used by individuals or businesses for commercial marketing or gain. If you wish information to be circulated to the members of NSHBDA please submit to a member of the executive for approval and circulation.
You always have the option of removing your name from any e-mail list to not receive future communications, please send an email to to be removed.
Please note: When sending communications, every attempt will be made to use “BCC” (blind carbon copy) instead of “CC” (carbon copy). If inadvertently the email list is sent out to the membership, we apologize in advance and ask you to abide by our Association database policy.